My LinkedIn Confession

Yesterday I wrote a blog about a man named Nat, who posted a very courageous LinkedIn confession. This confession to be specific:

I was so moved by Nat’s firefighter-like bravery that I simply had to commend him in blog form. And as it turns out, I wasn’t alone.

So many friends and readers reached out to me after I posted the blog to share their kudos and shared respect for Nat’s heroism.

You see, Nat could have just stayed silent and continued helping his clients expand their real estate portfolios, presumably by telling them to buy more real estate. But that wasn’t enough for Nat. He knew his purpose was greater than giving out obvious investment advice. He chose to speak out and share his truth.

And inspired by Nat, I’ve found the courage to do the same. So with that, here is my LinkedIn Confession:

Now I’m brave too.


Fuck it, I’m running for mayor


The most honest man on LinkedIn