About the Blog

An idea that took 3 years of planning and ~2 hours of execution, the Fatty Liver is a dream I’ve had for a long time. A dream to give something back to the world. Not anything particularly useful mind you, but I’m not curing cancer any time soon. This blog has one simple purpose: to make you smile and laugh for a second in the middle of your shitty work day. If I can do that, then this has been a success.

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Who am I?

That’s a question I’ve yet to fully dig into in therapy. Lot of terrifying layers to this onion that shouldn’t be peeled back. But in general, I’m George Chunias, a somewhat funny, mildly (severely) overweight, borderline alcoholic Greek dude who’s only serious aim in life is to make people laugh. I hope you love what I put out as much as I love writing it.