The most honest man on LinkedIn

You know, there’s a lot of fake stuff on the Internet.

Fake bodies, fake lives, fake single women in my area. I even have doubts about my Canadian girlfriend whom I wire $1,000 a week and have never met in person.

The internet, and social media in particular, is rife with people pretending to have perfect lives to sell their peers, and themselves, on a utopian fantasy that just doesn’t exist. Ultimately, the only truth of the Internet age is lies. (That sounds so profound but is absolute nonsense and possibly grammatically incorrect. Case in point).

No one is comfortable enough with their own reality to put it on display as it actually is. So they tinker and twist the truth until it’s barely recognizable. And that’s perhaps the saddest aspect of our society. There’s nary a soul brave enough to just be themself anymore.

But sometimes, a little glimmer of authenticity sneaks through the internet ether. A small spark of genuine, raw humanity cuts through the cynicism and renews your faith that there still is some truth in this world.

Sometimes, a person is noble and courageous enough to bare their soul for the world to see. That person, this week, is a LinkedIn legend known only as Nat.

Not all heroes wear capes. Nat certainly doesn’t. Candidly, I’d be surprised if he’s wearing pants.

Nat is the rare individual who isn’t afraid to say what we’re all thinking. You know how often I log into LinkedIn and want to post about my porn consumption? Every. Single. Time.

But I’m not brave enough. I don’t have the regularly utilized balls that Nat here has to post my truth for public view.

You see, LinkedIn is mostly trivial bullshit. It’s all business jargon, job listings, and sales quotas.

But not for Nat.

Nat knows why people really come to this professional networking website. They aren’t there to “learn email marketing best practices” or find “manager-level finance jobs in the greater Boston area." They want to know what arouses middle aged men.

People come to LinkedIn for the SEX. Full stop.

If I’m a small business owner, do I want to go on LinkedIn and hear about accounting software specifically tailored towards SMB businesses? No! I want to know what you’re punching into the search bar on PHub. That’s what real business is.

And as if the admission itself wasn’t enough of a public service, Nat has the decency to also provide us with a valuable life lesson. It wasn’t until Nat posted this piece of profound wisdom that I realized you SHOULDN’T have Brazzers bookmarked on your work computer.

There is a time and place for that sort of thing. And if anyone knows about moderating yourself, it’s the guy who posted about his porn viewing habits on LinkedIn.

So on behalf of society, I want to say thank you Nat for your service. I place you high up in my personal hero pantheon, just ahead of soldiers and nurses. Keep up the great work.


My LinkedIn Confession


My gambling origin story