The greatest comedy sketch ever written

In general, I try not to piggyback off the comedy of other, better, thinner funny people. The whole point of this blog is to deliver original comedic content to make your day a bit lighter. However, it has occurred to me in recent weeks that in order to eventually scale this blog into something with more mass appeal, there has to be occasional content re-sharing.

Furthermore, it turns out that having a full time job and a litany of personal obligations/regular weekday hangovers makes it rather difficult to brood in the highest window of a dark castle and scratch out blogs by candlelight as lightning flashes behind me.

To be clear, 99% of the time I’m still going to post original content. But for the sake of maintaining momentum and keeping my 12 readers engaged, I will, every now and then, drop a video or a post I find to be worth sharing. It promotes worthwhile content and saves me some time in a pinch. Plus who the hell am I to be the gatekeeper of comedy? There are many far funnier people than me who deserve to have their voice heard on a much smaller platform than they already have.

So with all that said, here is a very old but very funny video. It’s of Ricky Gervais, someone who clearly needs my promotion. The sketch was written for a show called “Life’s Too Short” which aired on the BBC or Sky or some other channel you can’t get unless you live in a town that’s comprised mostly of cottages. For my money it’s the funniest and most well-written comedy sketch I’ve ever seen. The premise is Liam Neeson earnestly attempting to get into improv comedy — I won’t say any more than that. Enjoy.


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PETA’s being weird again