[Video] The Fatty Liver does the Pan-Mass Challenge

For those who don’t know, two weeks ago I rode my fourth straight Pan-Mass Challenge. Not sure how you don’t know tbh — it’s my only athletic accomplishment of the year so I name-drop it like I’m a Harvard guy. Anyways, it’s an 80 (77) mile bike ride through the entirety of Cape Cod which raises millions of dollars annually for Dana Farber and cancer research. It’s a very noble cause I’m deeply proud to be apart of each year. If you want to donate a few bucks to the cause, here’s a link to the Jimmy Fund website. Anyways, time to make a cancer charity ride about me. Without further adieu, The Fatty Liver does the Pan-Mass Challenge.

Sidenote: Subscribe to my YouTube channel so I can get ad revenue and give away PS5s and shit.


Phone it in Friday


[Video] The Fatty Liver goes down the viral Cop Slide