Energizing the Eagles: This one means more

Whaddup my fellow Eagles! We are back with yet another noon kickoff for some reason, facing down our biggest opponent of the season: The Florida State Seminoles (appropriation much? #cancelFSU). But before I get to tomorrow’s big tilt, here’s a quick recap of last week’s 3-point drubbing of FCS powerhouse Holy Cross:

Well put Castellanos, really says it all. I don’t care if players chirp or make lewd gestures to each other — in fact I wholeheartedly encourage it. However, it sort of loses its luster when you do it while narrowly beating a team of 5’11 offensive lineman from Shewsbury High. Beat FSU then you can do the Leslie Chow to whomever you wish.

Speaking of FSU, we’ve got the #3-ranked team in all the land coming into our barn tomorrow backed by a raucous crowd of Florida swamp garbage. This is a team that has their sights set on a National Title, and, for the first time since Jameis was stuffing crab legs down his pants, actually has the talent to achieve it. They are absolutely loaded top to bottom with two premier wide receivers, a lethal dual-threat QB, and a near-certain top 10 pick on the defensive line. A LOT of this lineup will be playing on Sundays, as opposed to BC’s lineup which is a bunch of guys who probably shouldn’t be playing on Saturdays.

The point is: this one won’t be easy. Some would call it extremely difficult. Others would say it’s downright impossible. And most would contend it will be a cold day in hell before BC’s ragtag gaggle of incompetence gets within even 30 points of FSU. However, we do have one thing going for us: God’s on our side.

As a Jesuit University that almost never lives up to its religious ideals, BC has a sacred advantage over the hedonistic Noles. And given their roster, divine intervention is sorely needed if we’re to have any chance of hanging around. Thankfully, God has called upon one of his most trusted advisors, Mother Nature, to help level the playing field.

That ^, ladies and gents, is our good friend Hurricane Lee. He’s currently making his way up the east coast and should be blowing into town right around kickoff. With wind gusts expected up to 50 mph, FSU’s passing attack will be severely neutralized. As BC has no passing attack to begin with, this is a distinct advantage for the Eagles. Plus, this is Massachusetts. We’re like the Bane of shitty weather — we were born in it, molded by it. What does Florida know about hurricanes anyways am I right?

(This weather ultimately just means FSU will gash us on the ground instead of in the air, but hey I’ll take whatever bone God throws our way).

That being said, there’s one real reason for some optimism going into this game. It’s the Red Bandana Game. For those non-Eagles out there, this is a special game we do once a year to honor a fallen Eagle, 9/11 hero Welles Crowther. I can’t do Welles’ story the justice it deserves, so before I link to it, let me just say this: Yes we suck. Yes FSU will almost definitely destroy us. But if we can’t show up as a team and as fans for the Red Bandana game to, if nothing else, pay respect to the sacrifice one of our own made in the face of this country’s greatest tragedy, then what the fuck are we doing here? Rain, shine, or sleet, let’s show up in numbers, pack Alumni, and hopefully pull off the biggest stunner in the history of Boston College. Improbable yes, but hey you never know — we do have an angel on our side for this one.

If you’re able, please take 14 minutes out of your day to watch Welles’ story. He represents the best of us, as Eagles and as people. Let’s win one for Welles. Go Eagles!


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