Phone it in Friday

I had entirely too much shit to do today so now I’m writing this blog damn near on Saturday. This is very against the spirit of Phone it in Friday. I can be better. I have to be better. I will be better.

Sad life snippets

  • I’m pretty sure I saw a dude smoking straight up crack in the Common the other day. This country is going to hell.

  • Was trying to get my steps in the other day so I took a deliberate detour on my way back to my apartment. Plan was to head down a street, cross over to the other side, then head back in the direction of my place. As I went to cross the street I looked over my shoulder to check for oncoming cars. I saw none so I started crossing over. Unfortunately, I quickly realized that the Indian man walking behind me must have thought that I crossed over because I turned around and saw a non-white person. The look on his face was not a happy one.

  • I may have asked this question in here before, but I never got an answer: if a button falls off your shirt, what do you do? Cause I just throw away the shirt but I feel like that can’t be the only answer. Is there a button factory of some sort that can fix this? Sound off in the comments.

  • I had a dream the other night that I was giving a presentation but got too tired and just went to sleep. I’m dreaming about sleeping now. 90% sure someone is trying to incept me.

  • Had to go into my office a couple weeks back for an event and a coworker offered me a habanero jellybean. For some reason, I accepted. Cut to me living out my worst nightmare, listening to an hour long presentation while my intestines howled in pain. Needless to say I took full advantage of the 10-minute break we got in the afternoon.

  • Also at that company event, we had a breakout exercise where we had to share who or what influenced our lives. Everyone had some profound answer about their journey immigrating to America or the mentor who helped them find the right path in life. I said I was influenced by Tom Brady and the Patriots cause they won at football a lot.

  • I have one spot on my back that gets really sore if I workout too much and then lie down. Putting pressure on it relieves the pain but it’s in a spot on my back that I can’t reach with my hands. Long story short the other night I slept a full 7 hours on top of a baseball.

  • Hurt my ankle going too hard for the squad in kickball and needed a break to rest it during one of my daily walks. I was about to sit down on a bench, but then realized the bench overlooked a playground and I’m not someone who should be watching children play, so I just hobbled on.

  • Went to a restaurant that gave bread with the good whipped butter and instead of spreading it onto my slice with a knife like a person, I just dunked the bread into the butter like it was a dipping sauce.

  • Airheads are a top 3 candy for me. Absolutely love the things, especially the watermelon flavor. Anyways, I’m walking by the Garden today and see a watermelon Airhead on the ground, still in its wrapper, surrounded by burnt cigarette butts. I thought about it.

Thank God it’s the weekend. I’m gonna watch football until my face melts off.


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