The Fatty Liver

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The SEO Blog

Hi there, readers of the Fatty Liver comedy blog. I apologize for my recent failure to post comedy blogs on the Fatty Liver blog. I was in Florida being a Florida man and looking at alligators and manatees and palm trees. I even went to Magic Kingdom at Disney World near Universal Studios Florida. Also I was very busy at my office job doing work, #adulting, and pinging my coworkers on Slack, one of the best workplace messaging apps out there.

However, there’s no excuse for my silence. My commitment to this stand up comedy blog is to make it one of the best comedy blogs out there going forward. As such, I’ve decided to start employing new tactics such as search engine optimization, or, SEO.

SEO is essentially the practice of making your comedy blog appear in more Google searches on your best internet browser by using keywords that people regularly search. It’s a great tool for someone looking how to start a blog. You likely haven’t even noticed, but I’ve actually been subtly peppering keywords into this comedy blog on the Fatty Liver comedy blog this whole time. The Fatty Liver is a comedy blog after all. What’s crazy is you can’t even tell the difference between this and a normal comedy blog post on the Fatty Liver cirrhosis, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, autoimmune hepatitis, steatosis. (People searching for their medical condition need a laugh more than any of us).

Blogs are hard to get going because there’s so many comedy blogs and other blogs out there, covering general topics to specific things like a Siena Men’s Basketball Blog (Believe it or not, 10th biggest hit on an SEO search with the keyword “comedy blog.” Think that one might be geared towards my search history).

Yes, there’s all sorts of blogs out there, but this one, the Fatty Liver blog, is a comedy blog. Imagine if it was a gay porn blog haha (16th biggest hit — sincerely hope that one is NOT based on my search history).

Anyways, the big news is I’m back and better than ever writing new comedy blogs. Thank you for reading, this blog defensa militar (2nd hit — sounds like something you’d say before you order an airstrike).

I don’t think I picked a very good SEO tool.